Huge Thing

Huge Thing

Huge Thing helps corporations discover their inner face of innovation. We support companies at every stage of the process of acquiring innovation – from setting the framework and strategies of innovation teams, through support in the implementation o. Learn more

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HugeThing VC | 3-weeks long, intensive pre-acceleration programme, based in Poland Home 2015 Edition About Rules Steps Mentors Meet our mentors Blog Q A Partners Contact Us ue-footer Home 2015 Edition About Rules Steps Mentors Meet our mentors Blog Q A Partners Contact Us ue-footer At the end of 2016 HugeThing will return See Startups HugeThing gives you an opportunity TO FIND SEED INVESTMENT See Startups HugeThing prepares you to ENTER INTERNATIONAL ACCELERATORS See Startups about-hugethingvc HugeThing is a 3-weeks long, intensive pre-acceleration programme, based in Poland Also its a first Polish initiative held in the city of Poznan which is to prepare startups for their first funding and successful application the top-tier world accelerators like 500 startups, Y Combinator and Seedcamp. The programme is dedicated to startups working on a scalable, innovative idea. During this period, we aim to provide a series of methods and resources for their development and growth. Weve designed an unique content which is to be delivered by local, regional and international experts. Also many successful entrepreneurs are going to share their unique knowledge and experience on our stage. They will support the teams by delivering them valuable advice, strategic insights, some tips on technology, customer aquisition, recruitment and investor presentation. HugeThing is powered by SpeedUp Venture Capital Group featuring 500 startups and other international accelerators. The programme is implemented under the patronage of the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development. About HugeThingVC August 31st, 2015 admin apply-now INTERESTED ENOUGH? Send us your application till 13th September 2015 See Startups Apply Now September 27th, 2015 admin rules Are we looking for you? To join us, you should have at least MVP or a prototype. You should also show us that your team is complete and able to run the project. What is important, we do not have any preferences according to the business area youre developing your project. Also, it does not matter how old are you or wherere you from. You should be motivated and think globally about your project. Please note that we expect to work each day with at least one member of your team through the 3 weeks (6th to 23rd October), here in Poznan. No exceptions. See Startups RULES #1 Huge Thing is located in Poznan (Poland), in Stary Browar 50 50 Art and Business Centre, less than 3 hours drive from Berlin (240 km) and Warsaw (280 km). #2 We expect to work each day with at least one member of your team, here in Poznan. No exceptions. #3 Participation in the programme is free of charge. We do not cover the expenses of your meals and accomodation. #4 The application process starts on Tuesday, 31th of August and ends 13th of September. #5 The second part of the recruitment process (Skype interviews) will last from September 14th to 24th. #6 The official list of the participating startups will be known on September 25th. Are we looking for you? September 27th, 2015 admin steps-head Steps Programme structure Steps Head August 26th, 2015 admin programme-structure Week 01: Introduction to Thug Life of Startups, Accelerators and VCs Week one will kick-off with 4 days full of introductory sessions. Some of them will be: Lessons learned by Polish startups Tools and methods for running Lean Startup Identifying and segmenting target customers Intellectual property rights: trademarks, patents and copyrights Legal aspects of setting up company in Europe and in US How to get to 500s and other accelerators Startup Sales 101 workshop Startup funding strategies Pitching workshop 101 Week 02: Product Business Design During the second week teams will focus on a business model, as well as on product design development. Among planned sessions are: Design Thinking workshop Building development team in the right way Building hardware: from project to factory User experience workshop 202 Product pricing strategies Startup business models and payment methods Startup analytics, metrics and KPIs Web-advertising and traffic management Week 03: Sales Startup Pitching The last week we finish with presentations during Huge Thing Demo Day. Before your team will learn more about financials, sales and will practice art of pitching. Some of last week sessions will be: B2B and Enterprise Sales New business financials planning Alternative financing sources debt financing Funneling SaaS sales process from leads to closed deals Getting prepared for Kickstarter Indiegogo Pitching workshop 202 DemoDay with invited Polish and foreign VCs Steps August 29th, 2015 admin what-next Some other great news? Yes! Huge Thing may help you to raise your first pre-seed money! After the DemoDay, SpeedUp Venture Capital Group will offer chosen teams pre-seed investment for further development and acceleration. See Startups What next September 27th, 2015 admin mentors-homepage MENTORS During event many successful entrepreneurs are going to share their unique knowledge and experience on our stage. They will support the teams by delivering them valuable advice, strategic insights, some tips on technology, customer aquisition, recruitment and investor presentation. < > Meet our mentors Mentors Homepage August 27th, 2015 admin contact-us STAY CONNECTED Questions? Write to us! Twitter Follow us on Twitter Facebook Find us on Facebook LinkedIn Follow us on LinkedIn Contact Us August 31st, 2015 admin ue-footer ue-footer August 26th, 2015 admin © 2016 HugeThing. All rights reserved. Proudly developed by Webzooh Szajba Website Survey