Liebenthal Ventures

Liebenthal Ventures

Launch date
Town of North Hempstead New York (HQ)

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More about Liebenthal Ventures

After fielding success in both the real estate and public equity investment categories, in 2013 Liebenthal Holdings expanded to the startup/venture capital space, further diversifying our risk portfolio. At that point, Liebenthal Ventures was born. Our first investment was in LoopPay which in 15 months had a highly successful takeout to Samsung and is now Samsung Pay. We have since made multiple other investments which have yet to have exits.

Our thesis is simple and makes us different from other venture firms. A particular industry is not included nor excluded from our investable mix on its face. An ingenious idea/product and a founding team with passion, smarts, and integrity would be the elements that we would consider paramount for any startup investment. Our angel/seed investments would be in the range of $25K-$500K depending on the opportunity