

Loyee.io enables hybrid teams to perform their best by staying connected and aligned, regardless of location: Simplify all your communication into one place. Learn more

Launch date
San Francisco California (HQ)



Revenues, earnings & profits over time
% growth-75 %
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Total Funding-

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Loyee.io is a forward-thinking startup that specializes in enhancing the performance and well-being of employees within distributed and decentralized teams. The company operates in the human resources and organizational development market, focusing on businesses that are navigating the complexities of remote and hybrid work environments. Loyee.io's primary clients are companies looking to improve their workplace culture, leadership effectiveness, compliance with regulations, and overall employee well-being.

The core of Loyee.io's business model revolves around the concept of "nudging." Nudging involves providing subtle prompts or suggestions to individuals to encourage desired behaviors without restricting their choices. These nudges are scientifically validated by behavioral scientists and are tailored to each employee's identity and context, whether they are working remotely or in an office.

Loyee.io offers various nudge packages that cater to different organizational needs. These include:

1. **Digitalization Nudges**: Helping employees adapt to new digital tools and processes.

2. **Habit-Forming Nudges**: Encouraging sustainable behavior changes.

3. **Remote Work Nudges**: Building connections and establishing a strong team culture in remote settings.

4. **Leadership Nudges**: Supporting managers to become more impactful leaders.

5. **Compliance Nudges**: Guiding employees through new standards and regulations to promote ethical behavior.

6. **Well-being Nudges**: Fostering happiness, self-fulfillment, and mental health among employees.

7. **Sustainability Nudges**: Engaging employees in positive actions to address social and environmental challenges.

Loyee.io makes money by selling these tailored nudge packages to companies. These packages are designed to be integrated into the daily workflow of employees, providing actionable advice and coaching moments when they are most needed. By doing so, Loyee.io helps organizations track their cultural development and capability, ultimately driving behavior change from both the bottom up and the top down.

**Keywords**: Nudging, Behavioral Science, Remote Work, Leadership, Compliance, Well-being, Sustainability, Digitalization, Habit-Forming, Organizational Development.