NCSC For Startups

NCSC For Startups

The NCSC (part of GCHQ) is developing the UK’s cyber security ecosystem by transforming innovative ideas into real world solutions. The NCSC Cyber Accelerator programme works with dynamic start-ups to encourage new products, skills, jobs and growth. Learn more

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More about NCSC For Startups

Association;Cyber Security;Government;Internet@The National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) is the UK’s authority on cyber security. It is a part of GCHQ. The NCSC brings together and replaces CESG (the information security arm of GCHQ), the Centre for Cyber Assessment (CCA), Computer Emergency Response Team UK (CERT UK), and the cyber-related responsibilities of the Centre for the Protection of National Infrastructure (CPNI). The NCSC has access to some of the most sophisticated capabilities available to government. It acknowledges the sensitivity of these resources, whilst working to make the benefits of its expertise as widely available as possible. The NCSC is open and accessible. It works collaboratively with other government agencies and departments, law enforcement, defense, the UK’s intelligence and security agencies, and its international partners. The NCSC recognizes the value of diversity and different perspectives and bring together a unique range of talents, skills, and experience to tackle the hardest cyber security challenges. The NCSC’s main purpose is to reduce the cyber security risk to the UK by improving its cyber security and cyber resilience. It works together with UK organisations, businesses, and individuals to provide authoritative and coherent cyber security advice and cyber incident management. This is underpinned by world class research and innovation. It recognizes that, despite all its efforts to reduce risks and enhance security, incidents will happen. When they do, the NCSC will provide effective incident response to minimize harm to the UK, help with recovery, and learn lessons for the future.