Paris Dauphine University

Paris Dauphine University

University combining research and professional integration in the field of sciences of organizations and decision-making. Learn more

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More about Paris Dauphine University

Dauphine-PSL is unique in the world of French universities.

Université Paris Dauphine-PSL is specialized in the Organization and Decision Sciences. Our mission is to educate future generations of executives, entrepreneurs, leaders and scholars to be both experts in their fields and socially responsible, cultured, open-minded members of the community.

Our faculty is internationally esteemed and award-winning.

We are respected for our academic excellence and recognized for the quality of our research in the organization and decision sciences.

Our close ties to the business world ensure that Dauphine-PSL students are prepared for their professional future and that our programs and curriculum keep pace with an ever-evolving economic landscape.

Dauphine is international and socially responsible

In 2009, Dauphine-PSL became the first French university to obtain the EQUIS accreditation from the European Foundation for Management Development, in recognition of our academic excellence and committed global perspective.

Equal opportunity and diversity are a top priority for recruiting students, faculty and staff.

We distinguish ourselves through our:

Demanding admissions standards

Proven and innovative teaching methods

Rich and diversified curriculum

Broad and coherent range of academic disciplines

Close ties between teaching and research

Programs designed with the real-world in mind

Faculty that includes both academics and practicing professionals