Patagonia Sur

Patagonia Sur

For-profit venture that invests in, protects, and enhances scenically remarkable. Learn more

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More about Patagonia Sur

Patagonia Sur, LLC, is a for-profit venture that invests in, protects, and enhances scenically remarkable and ecologically valuable properties in Chilean Patagonia. Our business model merges conservation and capitalism seamlessly and symbiotically.

Patagonia Sur’s office and team are headquartered in Coyhaique, Chile -- the heart of Patagonia.

Our activities include:

Ecologically-appropriate limited development;

A membership-based eco-tourism club;

Eco-brokerage services;

Carbon sequestration and the sale of carbon offsets;

Ecologically-friendly aquaculture, agriculture, and forestry operations.

Patagonia Sur has also established the Patagonia Sur Foundation. The Foundation’s mission is to encourage conservation and to promote social and economic development in harmony with the region’s majestic natural environment.